Page 13 - FY21 Wellness Promotion Policy Annual Report
P. 13

P    R    O    M    O    T    I   O    N            T    A    S    K F       O    R   C    E

                         The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida

        The purpose of the Wellness Promotion Task Force (WPTF) is to create an educational forum that allows
        students, staff, parents, community partners, and members of the public to successfully collaborate in the
        promotion of healthier lives.  With the District’s ultimate goal of improving student performance, the direction
        of the Wellness Promotion Task Force is to encourage a proactive approach to holistically address the health,
        wellness, and safety of all school children and staff.

        The Wellness Promotion Task Force’s main values are the following:
               •  Share Successes
               •  Promote Initiatives
               •  Advocate for Change
               •  Connect with Community Partners

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