Page 16 - FY21 Wellness Promotion Policy Annual Report
P. 16

WPTF Newsletters

        Wellness Promotion: District & Community Updates

        Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the cancellation of our last FY20 District‘s Wellness Promotion Task Force
        (WPTF) meeting, in order to keep all internal and external stakeholders abreast about the District and community
        partners, we decided to develop and launch the first ‘Wellness Promotion: District and Community Updates’
        newsletter on April 7, 2020.  Due to the public’s positive reception, interest, and not to mention, the participation
        from many internal and external stakeholders, we closed FY20 with 12 newsletters, and FY21, with 26 newsletters.

        Our main goal in ‘Connecting with the Community’ was to promote the District’s Wellness Promotion Policy
        and its efforts of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model.  In FY21, since we were
        not able to deliver any of the scheduled WPTF meetings due to COVID-19, we continued developing and
        creating robust newsletters that included the promotion of all ten WSCC components and community-at-
        large events focused around the Whole Child.

        During the first half of FY21, each bi-monthly newsletter was sent to over 2,600 internal and external
        stakeholders, and by year-end, the newsletter’s reachable capacity was over  4,722;  an increase of 2,122
        from mid-year status. Stakeholders provided a multitude of positive feedback from this tool, which assisted
        stakeholders to stay abreast with the District and community efforts.  The District’s social media platforms
        were also embedded in the newsletters.
                         Click on each image title to access the appropriate newsletter edition.

              Edition XIII               Edition XIV                  Edition XV                   Edition XVI

              Edition XVII              Edition XVIII                 Edition XIX                  Edition XX

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