Page 121 - FY21 Wellness Promotion Policy Annual Report
P. 121

                                                                                                          Physical Education
                                                                                                          & Physical Activity  Environment &
            Physical Environment                                                                       EMPLOYEES  Engagement Family  Physical  COORDINATING POLICY, PROCESS, AND PRACTICE    Counseling, Social  &  FAMILIES
                                                                                                            HEALTHY                          SAFE
                                                                                                                   CHALLENGED              SUPPORTED                 ENGAGED
                                                                                                              Social &
                                                                                                         Employee IMPROVING LEARNING AND HEALTH   Health  Climate
                                                                                                         Wellness  Education
        Finally, they are experimenting with Fall, Winter and Spring crops in a way, which can be replicated within
        the neighborhood and surrounding areas, which is truly the purpose of this project: To educate, inspire and
        create a hands-on learning experience which brings great benefit to the body, mind, and spirit. 
        The produce generated by this endeavor will be shared with the volunteers and neighbors that make it all
        possible. Should the garden yield the overflow they are hoping for, they intend to work with the administration
        at North Grade Elementary to bring more produce into the community through the parents of students at the
        school and perhaps even at a local food bank.  The expected yield for the year is somewhere between 1,000-
        2,500 pounds, which may vary depending on various factors, including weather.
        On October 27, 2020, the School Board and Superintendent approved the five-year agreement between the
        District and Soil & Soul, Inc. for a community shared garden, known as Tiger Garden, on the campus of North
        Grade Elementary.
        School Gardens

        Due to the onset of COVID-19 School Gardens turned out to be coveted spaces.  While students were required
        to maintain social distancing, they were allowed to work and participate in garden activities.

        Let’s Grow – Garden Newsletter

        The school garden newsletter, Let’s Grow, is growing strong.  We just completed our fifth year and it’s a
        publication that our teachers look forward to receive.

        Each newsletter included the following:

               ‚  Seed Money Section – opportunities to apply for grant funding and enter contests
               ‚  Available learning opportunities for teachers inside and outside the county
               ‚  Access to:
                      School Garden Hub Page
                      Access to Community Partners
                      School Garden Development Guide – 4  Edition
                      Garden Related Learning Opportunities
               ‚  School Updates
               ‚  Best Practices
               ‚  Garden Surveys

        Sample Garden Newsletter

        Closing Down Your Garden Workshop

        To ensure schools have the support necessary to effectively end one garden season while preparing for the
        next one, in FY21, the School Food Service Department partnered with the University of Florida’s Institute of
        Food and Agricultural Standards (IFAS) Family Nutrition Team and the Joseph P Cory Foundation to offer a
        virtual workshop called, “Closing Down your Garden.”   This program was delivered to interested teachers on
        May 13, 2021.

        The intention and focus of this presentation was to prepare schools to successfully close down their garden
        for the season by planting cover crops to prepare them for their return to school in August 2021.

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