Page 47 - School Garden Development Guide - 4th Edition
P. 47

Green Garden Themes (SharePoint - Tab 6)
        Green Champion
        A Green Champion is a member of the school staff who is
        passionate about  teaching  environmental  awareness  and  is
        eligible for supplies that support school-based green initiatives
        and environmental education/classroom instruction.  Who is the
        Green Champion for your school?

        Special Designations
        Green School
          •  Are you a Green School?
          •  If so, which level?

        Certified Wildlife Habitat
          •  Is your garden a Certified Wildlife Habitat?

        Ocean Friendly Garden
          •  Is your garden a certified Ocean Friendly Garden?

          •  Are you composting on campus?
          •  If you are composting on campus, who is responsible for it?
          •  Visit the Environmental & Conservation  Services section of
            this guide for more information about composting to include
            composters approved for school campuses.

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