Page 34 - Superintendent Annual Report 2023-24
P. 34

Seventy-two  percent  of  this  year’s  graduating  class  completed  at  least  one  accelerated  course  during  high  school.  All
        District high schools offer a variety of Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) and Advanced Placement
        (AP) courses. Last year, the District administered approximately 49,000 AICE exams and approximately 24,330 AP exams.
        Students who complete the requirements for an AICE diploma are eligible to earn a full Bright Futures Scholarship. Last
        year, there was an increase in AP passing rates (scores of 3 or higher) by five percentage points from 58% to 63%, with 194
        students earning an AP Capstone Diploma in the four high schools that offer the Capstone opportunity.

        Schools utilize the information in the AP Potential Report to generate rosters of students who are likely to demonstrate
        success  in  accelerated  programs.  With  scaffolding,  the  District-wide  practice  of  scheduling  for  potential  provides
        opportunities for level 1 and 2 students to enroll in pre-AICE or pre-AP coursework. These courses set the foundation for
        accelerated programs while allowing students to continue at their current grade level. As students experience success, the
        prior coursework supports a seamless transition to college-level courses.

        Master Schedule Course Acceleration

        Master schedule analysis is part of the continuous improvement process regarding student scheduling. The goal is to
        strengthen and coordinate the process for cohesiveness and alignment at elementary, middle, and high school levels by
        increasing access to accelerated courses for all students. Principals and their leadership teams participate in the analysis
        process with their supervisors.

        In FY24, the District continued to refine the master schedule analysis system by using these innovative strategies:

          •  Elementary principals provided feedback to influence outgoing student schedules. They recommended proposed
            coursework for each of their students entering grade 6, which enhanced the course recommendation process and
            improved enrollment in advanced coursework.
          •  Secondary principals continuously conducted in-depth analyses of course requests and scheduling, emphasizing,
            identifying, and removing barriers to success in advanced coursework.
          •  School leaders collaborated to identify students who would benefit most from additional academic support to retain
            students in accelerated classes.
          •  Principals at all levels communicated with parents the importance of advanced coursework (especially at the
            secondary level), as these opportunities lead students to be better prepared for college and the Bright Futures
          •  Informational videos in English, Spanish, and Creole showcasing students’ and parents’ testimonials describing the
            benefits of advanced coursework were created and posted on the District website.

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