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In Touch
completion. I cannot stress enough the importance of Beyond the classroom, we’re exploring the potential
each employee completing this training. Here’s why: of generative AI to streamline administrative tasks,
improve decision-making, and foster innovation across
• Preventing Cyber Attacks - Educated employees all departments. From automating routine processes to
are our first line of defense against phishing, social generating creative content, AI is poised to revolutionize
engineering, and other sophisticated cyber threats.
the way we work. To ensure the ethical and responsible
use of AI, our District is developing comprehensive
• Protecting Personal and Student Data - Every
policies that address privacy, security, and intellectual
interaction with our digital systems carries the
property concerns.
responsibility of safeguarding our students’ and
employees’ personal information. In the accompanying article, ‘IT Division Year in Review
– 2024’, I’m pleased to provide a reflection of the IT
• Compliance and Best Practices - Our training
Division’s work, challenges, and accomplishments
ensures we meet critical regulatory requirements
throughout 2024. The Year in Review demonstrates the
and follow industry-leading cybersecurity standards.
dedication, drive, and success accomplished on many
Therefore, I urge the remaining 10% of employees to key District initiatives to serve our students and schools.
complete the training as soon possible, as laid out in I hope you will find this retrospective of our work
Bulletin #DE 25-085 CFO. interesting and worth a read.
Embracing the Future: Generative AI in Wishing everyone continued success for the remainder
Education and Beyond of the year. We look forward to continuing our important
work of education, protection, and innovation. I look
Generative AI is reshaping industries and educational forward to sharing more updates and insights on
institutions alike. Our District has embraced Khanmigo, technology in our next newsletter.
a groundbreaking generative AI tool, to enhance
personalized learning experiences for our students.
As we move forward, remember that our approach to
technology is about more than just implementation –
it’s about creating a secure, innovative, and supportive
learning environment.
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