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2024 Year In Review
The IT Division continued its growth and advancement in 2024,
emphasizing security, application and infrastructure improvements, and
device updates, plus our continuing goal of supporting the growing needs
of our students, staff, and faculty.
IT Technical Operations
The IT Technical Operations department provides front-line and extended
support for District-issued endpoints and the ordering, staging, distribution,
and repair of all devices. Additionally, the IT Service Desk, Field Support,
Audio-Visual Team, document management systems (eForms, IQ,
BoardDocs, MFPs, PaperCut), and Records Management staff are included
in the department. In 2024, the IT Service Desk answered over 43,000 calls
and closed over 56,000 support and repair tickets. Chromebook repair
costs continued to climb to over $2.7 million in 2024, a necessary expense
to support 1:1 student devices.
Here are some details on initiatives from IT Technical Operations:
• Administrative Computer Refresh - Provide desktops, laptops,
docking stations, monitors, and webcams for administrative, non-
instructional school, and ancillary location staff, completed in Spring
• Student Chromebook Repairs - Expanded budget and modified
processes to support repairs of 34,000 student Chromebooks.
• Student Chromebook Refresh - Planning for FY25 and beyond to
continue student 1:1 initiative and refresh of devices, including touch
screens and stylus support.
• SIS Document Center - Multi-year project to replace paper cumulative
folders with electronic scans in SIS, all elementary schools completed
in 2023, middle schools completed in 2024, high schools in progress.
• Enterprise Service Management (eSupport Replacement) - Selected
ServiceNow as ESM platform, formed a steering committee for
guidance, implemented tracking for Change Management, Hardware
& Software Contracts, and Incident Management. Significant progress
on District and public-facing chatbots to allow the quick retrieval of
important District information and services.
• Sharp MFP Device Refresh - Delivered, configured, and provided
training for over 3,000 multifunction copy/print devices replaced across
the District.
• Application Upgrades - Planning for 2025 upgrades to the District’s
Document Management System (ImageQuest), eForms solution, and
Accounts Payable scan/OCR-to-PeopleSoft solution (OCC).
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