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                                            SYSTEM TO BE REPLACED

                                            After many years of use in every school, the VIPS system will soon be retired
                                            and replaced with the Raptor Volunteer Management module. Raptor is
                                            already in use at all schools for visitor check-in and emergency management.
                                            Raptor’s Volunteer module will allow potential volunteers to:

                                              •   Submit their application from anywhere, including via mobile device.
                                                  Currently, they must submit applications in person at a school campus.

                                              •   Attach/upload required documents.

                                              •   Sign up to volunteer at multiple schools with one application.

                                            The Raptor vendor will handle the initial software training for school staff and
                                            the tentative go live date is November 2023. Although the primary Raptor
                                            product is owned by School Police, the Raptor Volunteer module is owned by
                                            the Volunteer Office in the Communications Department. Please refer to the
                                            Raptor Volunteer Module Help and Support Hub page for more details as
                                            they become available.

                                             SIS DOCUMENT CENTER

                                             PROJECT UPDATE

                                            In the August 2022 edition of TIME, we told you about a project to utilize the
                                            new Document Center function within our SIS. The purpose is to migrate all
                                            paper student cumulative folders and records to the SIS Document Center
                                            for online viewing and retrieval. The project started with elementary schools
                                            because once those cumulative records are electronic, middle and high
                                            schools benefit too as students advance from grade to grade.

                                            A Proof of Concept (POC) was completed in two schools; Starlight Cove
                                            Elementary and Royal Palm Beach Elementary. [Huge “Thank You” to those
                                            two schools!]  The POC was critical to figuring out the logistics. How long
                                            does document prep take for an average-sized elementary school? How long
                                            does document scanning take? Will the planned scanning vendor’s output
                                            meet our technical and operational standards? How long will it take to migrate
                                            ALL elementary schools? What kind of training is necessary for schools
                                            to learn how to access and maintain cumulative records in SIS? The POC
                                            answered those questions and more.

                                            The project is now well underway, having picked up cumulative folders from
                                            25 elementary schools. Visit the SIS Document Center Help & Support Hub
                                            web page for more information on the project.
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