Page 14 - TIM_03-02-23
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                                             SCHOOL SITES NEXT

                                            In  the  August  2022  edition  of  TIME,  we  told  you  about  a  project  to
                                            replace  the District and school  websites  with Blackboard  websites  after
                                            they won a competitive  bid process. Below  is a status update  on that
                                            project  and  the  timeline  towards  project  completion  by  June  30,  2023.

                                            In December, the District website at was
                                            replaced with a new and improved Blackboard website. All department and
                                            District-level webmasters were trained in the Blackboard CMS (Content
                                            Management System) software to edit and maintain their department-owned
                                            web pages.

                                            In January 2023, the school website replacement phase of the project kicked-
                                            off. The project team, along with the vendor, is working hard to migrate all
                                            school web content, go-live with all new school websites, and train all school-
                                            based webmasters before the end of this school year.

                                            After Blackboard school websites go live, the project will move to migrate the
                                            district intranet (The District HUB) to the new Blackboard platform.
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