Page 11 - Guiding Document
P. 11

Responsibilities of

             Students & Families

             Students  or  student’s  parents  or  guardians  must  self-report  a
             positive COVID-19 test for any member of the household no later

             than  the  following  school  day.  A  copy  of  the  test  result  must  be
             provided to the school nurse. 

             The  school  administrator  will  alert  their  supervisor  and  District

             administration  and  determine  the  need  for  enhanced  cleaning  of
             certain  areas  of  the  campus.  A  student  who  tests  positive  must
             remain home during the quarantine period, as determined by the

             Florida  Department  of  Health.  The  student  may  return  to  school
             once  he  or  she  has  completed  the  quarantine  period  and  is

             symptom-free, including no fever of 100.4 or above in the previous
             24 hours while not using fever-reducing medications. The child will
             have the opportunity to complete make-up work.

             A student who has not been tested, but is exhibiting symptoms of

             COVID-19, should remain home. Please DO NOT send children to
             school if they are sick and are presenting symptoms including, but

             not limited to: fever, cough, sore throat, diarrhea, headache, body
             ache, shortness of breath, fatigue, loss of appetite.

             To  promote  wellness  throughout  the  District,  all  students  are
             encouraged,  but  not  required,  to  self  screen  through  daily

             temperature checks.

             Health Service Protocols:
                      • Follow Health Service Protocols for contact tracing. 

                      • COVID-19 vaccination is voluntary and not required.

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