Page 12 - Guiding Document
P. 12

If your child is

             symptomatic or

             COVID-19 positive

              If  your  child  is  symptomatic  or  COVID-19  positive,  one  of  the
              following  criteria  must  be  met  before  he  or  she  can  return  to


                      1. Student receives a negative test and is asymptomatic.
                      2. Ten  days  have  passed  since  symptom  onset  or  positive

                          test result, the student has no fever for 24 hours and the
                          student’s other symptoms are improving.
                      3. The student receives written permission from a healthcare

                          provider to return to school. 

              Should your child need to be placed on a Stay-Home Directive by
              the  School  District  of  Palm  Beach  County,  or  quarantined  by  the
              Health  Department,  the  District  has  created  a  webpage  that

              provides important guidance regarding instructional support.

              This webpage will also be available on the District’s Homepage and
              on every school’s website. 

              As  a  reminder,  the  Governor’s  Executive  Order  which  allowed

              Distance  Learning  during  the  2020-2021  school  year  has  ended.
              That means that distance learning is not an option this school year.

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