Page 14 - Guiding Document
P. 14

students who receive

                                                                                                           a Stay-Home Directive

                                                                                                           If  your  child  is  not  exhibiting  symptoms  (asymptomatic),  and  fully

                                                                                                           vaccinated (two weeks after their second dose in a two-dose series),
                                                                                                           or  has  tested  positive  in  the  last  90  days,  they  WILL  NOT  be
                                                                                                           required to stay at home.  

                                                                                                           If you, as the Parent or Guardian, provide documentation that your
                                                                                                           child is fully vaccinated, your child can remain at school, or return,
                                                                                                           upon providing proof of vaccination.

                                                                                                           Or,  if  your  child  had  a  confirmed  case  of  COVID-19  in  the  last  90

                                                                                                           days and you provide proof of the confirmed case, your child can
                                                                                                           return to school immediately.

                                                                                                           In addition, your child can return to school if he or she meets one of

                                                                                                           the following criteria:

                                                                                                           1.   The student is asymptomatic and receives a negative diagnostic
                                                                                                                COVID-19 test after four days from the date of last exposure to
                                                                                                                the COVID-19 positive individual. The student can return on day

                                                                                                                five with a negative result from a test performed in a laboratory
                                                                                                                or  by  a  medical  provider.  Any  results  from  a  “home  test”  will

                                                                                                                NOT be accepted. (email/copy/screenshot acceptable for each).
                                                                                                           2.   The student is asymptomatic and seven days have passed since
                                                                                                                the date of last exposure to the COVID-19 positive individual. 

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