Page 111 - Superintendent Report 2023-24
P. 111

Instructional Personnel Evaluations

        The Instructional Personnel Evaluation Model (Palm Beach Model of Instruction) was selected by a District committee,
        Classroom Teachers Association (CTA), and school-based representatives. The model is based on the work of Dr. Robert
        J. Marzano and Learning Sciences International. It embraces the premise that all employees can improve their practice
        regardless of their level of performance. The model aims to develop the most effective staff by identifying their specific
        strengths and needs for development so that they can be provided the necessary support to help them perform at their
        highest potential and continue a long and fulfilling career with the District.

        For  those  in  traditional  instructional  roles,  the  Palm  Beach  Model  of  Instruction  has  22  elements  organized  into
        four Domains: Standards-Based Planning, Standards-Based Instruction, Conditions for Learning, and Professional
        Responsibilities. For those in non-traditional instructional roles, there are 16 elements organized into four Domains:
        Planning and Preparing to Provide Support, Supporting Student Achievement, Continuous Improvement of Professional
        Practice, and Professional Responsibilities.

        Instructional personnel are trained on the model when they first join the District. The training is designed to provide
        the knowledge and skills for personnel to utilize the instructional model to increase their instructional capacity, improve
        their practice, and provide high-quality instruction to all students. In FY23, 1,494 new instructional personnel were trained
        through various means, such as New Employee Orientation, iObservation Academy, school site training provided by
        the school’s leadership team members, Educator Support Program, and dedicated on-site Marzano Liaisons. Additional
        professional development on the model is offered at school sites and through eLearning to help deepen the employee’s
        knowledge and understanding.

        In addition, supervisors of instructional personnel are provided Observer Calibration training when they start their
        positions. This training provides an evaluator’s perspective of the Instructional Personnel Evaluation Model and helps
        supervisors identify areas of strength and room for employee improvement. In FY23, 109 new and aspiring leaders were
        trained to utilize the model to evaluate the instructional personnel they supervise and ensure a smooth transition as they
        take on their new roles at the school sites.

        Figure 2
        Classroom Teacher Learning Map

                                                                             EDUCATE  |  AFFIRM  |  INSPIRE  //  111
   106   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116