Page 109 - Superintendent Report 2023-24
P. 109

Department Quality Services Survey

        The Department Quality Services (DQS) survey was administered from May 1 to June 2. A total of 179 principals were
        invited to provide input via the survey; 121 (67.6%) responded, which is an increase in participation from 58.8% in FY22.
        Participation from the latest DQS increased for each school type compared to the FY22 administration:
          •  Elementary:  74.5%, up from 71.6%
          •  Middle: 66.7%, up from 56.3%
          •  High: 54.2%, up from 29.2%
          •  Other: 33.3%, compared to 23.5%

        Based on the percent of positive responses, a letter grade was computed for each department using the scale: A=90+, B=89-
        80, C=79-70, D=69-60, F=59 or below. Table 2 shows the distribution of grades for FY23 and the previous administration
        in FY22.

        Table 2
        Comparison of Department Grades Distribution Based on DQS Responses

                                               FY23                                         FY22
              Grade                  N                      %                        N                    %

                 A                  42                   87.5%                      43                  84.3%
                 B                   5                    10.4%                      7                  13.7%
                 C                   0                    0.0%                       0                  0.0%
                 D                   1                    2.1%                       0                  0.0%
                 F                   0                    0.0%                       1                  2.0%
        N denotes the number of responses

        Enhanced Public Communication Marquees

        Communication between the District, school administration, parents, and students is vital to a thriving learning environment.
        To ensure an enhanced school image and improve communications, Facilities Management has embarked on a program
        to upgrade all marquees to digital projections for easier visibility and more frequent, scrolling messages. This program has
        begun in new and modernized schools and all high schools. Upgrades in middle and elementary schools are forthcoming.

                   Analog marquee - Before                  Digital marquee - After

                                                                            EDUCATE  |  AFFIRM  |  INSPIRE  //  109
   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   114