Page 24 - Superintendent Report 2023-24
P. 24

Master Schedule Course Acceleration

        Master Schedule Analysis has been instituted as a continuous improvement process since FY18. The goal is to strengthen and
        coordinate the process for creating cohesiveness and alignment at elementary, middle, and high school levels by increasing
        access to accelerated coursework for all students. Principals participate in the analysis process with their supervisors,
        which serves to assist schools in providing students with increased access to rigorous coursework.
        In FY23, the District continued to refine the Master Schedule Analysis system by using these innovative strategies:

          •  Elementary  principals  provided  feedback  to  influence  outgoing  student  schedules.  They  recommended  proposed
             schedules for all of their students entering grade 6. The enhanced course recommendation process for students
             entering grade 6 improved students’ access to, and enrollment in, advanced coursework.
          •  Middle and high school principals continuously conducted in-depth analysis of course requests and scheduling,
             emphasizing identification and removal of barriers to success in advanced coursework.
          •  Principals at all levels collaborated to identify students who would benefit most from additional academic support.

        Figure 4 shows the increase in advanced course recommendations for Black and Hispanic students while White student
        recommendations remained stable.

        Figure 4
        Elementary Recommendations for Grade 6 Course Placement by Race

        24  // Superintendent Annual Report 2022 - 2023
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