Page 74 - Superintendent Report 2023-24
P. 74

Figure 7
        Aligning School-Based and Community-Based Interventions

                                                                     Primarily Community-Based Intervention

                      Few students               Tier 3     Individual Counseling (Co-located/
                      Most intense mental health needs  Intensive  Community), MH Referral, Support
                                                            Planning, Community-based Intervention

                                                                   Focused Small Group
                      Some students              Tier 2            Counseling, Skills Groups,
                      Unmet mental health needs  Supplemental      Check-In/Out, MH Referral

                                                                           Whole School Climate,
                                                 Tier 1
                      All students                                         SLL, Classroom
                                                  Core                     Lessons, PBS

                                                                            Primarily School-Based Support

        School-Based Mental Health Services

        Co-located mental health professionals are contracted mental health professionals employed by 13 agency partners and
        assigned to 115 sites to provide individual counseling to students, with parental consent, at no cost to families. Co-located
        mental health services do not require a diagnosis and are provided on campus during the regular school day. Placing
        mental health services on the school campus removes barriers to service and expands student access to a mental health
        professional, contributes to student well-being, and improves school climate (see Table 3).

        Table 3
        Caring First and SIS Data
          FY23 Direct Services

          Students Referred for and Received Services                                       3,247

          Individual Counseling Sessions                                                   33,730
          Parent/Staff Consultations                                                        19,302

          School Team Meetings                                                              3,632

          Top Areas of Concern for Students:
             •  Depression

             •  Anxiety

             •  School Setting
          Pre and post measures using the Children’s Functional Assessment Rating Scale revealed
          improved functioning in these areas as a result of counseling intervention.

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