Page 75 - Superintendent Report 2023-24
P. 75

Expanding student access to school-based mental health support is achieved through:
          •  Office Hours - Optional support facilitated by the co-located administration team provides a collaborative space for
             co-located mental health professionals to meet, ask questions, and share experiences regarding Caring First, Student
             Information System (SIS), and other data entry and programmatic questions.
          •  School Mental Health Team Support - Co-located administration team supports new and established school mental
             health teams to address concerns and navigate systems.
          •  Co-located Mental Health Professional Resource Site - An online hub for co-located mental health professionals
             and school teams to access resources, strategies, program guides, and developmental videos to develop or enhance
             students' access to mental health support.
        School leaders consistently report a 96% positive rating for this initiative. School feedback offers praise for collaboration,
        making  a  difference,  putting  students  first,  suicide/self-harm  prevention,  supporting  academic  success,  and  [helping
        students] overcoming anxiety. With an eye toward the high levels of student need and within a competitive marketplace,
        the continuation of the school-based (co-located) initiative is planned for FY24.

        School Behavioral Health Professionals
        The School District of Palm Beach County has assigned a School Behavioral Health Professional (SBHP) to every school in
        the District. The responsibilities of the SBHPs are to:
          •  Facilitate programs throughout the school to teach students, teachers, and staff about prevention, early identification
             of concerns, and address behavioral and mental health challenges.
          •  Provide individual and small group skill-building sessions to address challenging thoughts and behaviors.
          •  Initiate or support school climate efforts, such as Safe School Ambassadors, We Dine Together, Start with Hello, classroom
             presentations, and teach mindfulness.
          •  Assist students and families with locating behavioral and mental health services to address significantly challenging
             behaviors and concerns.
          •  Provide services that assist with the early identification of concerns and help to reduce the stigma associated with
             mental health concerns.
          •  Serve as a member of the school’s mental health and problem-solving team(s).

        SBHPs log daily activities and interventions through the Caring First logging system. A summary of the services provided
        District-wide during FY23 is as follows:

          •  Total SBHP interventions logged: 185,728
          •  Unique students served by SBHPs with supplemental and intensive services: 20,754

        Behavioral Health Agreement
        Community agency partners coordinate with school mental health teams to provide tiered support to students and their
        families. Thirty-five agencies with a Behavioral Health Agreement (BHA) provide the following:
          •  Tier 1 (Core) support through classroom lessons, programs, and curriculum
          •  Tier 2 (Supplemental) support through small group counseling, small group skills groups, substance use prevention,
             and mentoring
          •  Tier 3 (Intensive) support through individual counseling and substance use intervention
          •  Wrap-around support and parent education for families and caregivers

        Agencies with a BHA may provide services via telehealth, in the community, and on the school campus. Referrals and
        services are documented in the Caring First application.

                                                                             EDUCATE  |  AFFIRM  |  INSPIRE  //  75
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