Page 80 - Superintendent Report 2023-24
P. 80

Committed and Impactful Employees

        Objective 1: Ensure all employees have the environment, support, skills, and
        resources for excellence.

        Academic Professional Development

        To sustain the District’s goal of ensuring all employees have the environment, support, skills, and resources to provide
        students with exceptional educational experiences, the District curates annual professional development opportunities for
        all teachers and academic support personnel.

        Each year, ongoing professional development sessions are offered throughout the summer and school year to engage staff
        in developing standards-based instructional practices.

        Topics include:
          •  K-12 Standards-Based Instruction (in all content areas)
          •  Mathematics & English Language Arts Teacher Leader Cohorts
          •  Mathematics & English Language Arts Teacher Cadres
          •  K-5 Science Leadership Academy
          •  Gifted and Enrichment Support
          •  Progress Monitoring and Assessment Tools
          •  Reading Intervention Supports & Strategies
          •  Department Instructional Leaders/Coaches & Contacts Support
          •  Skills for Learning and Life

        Additionally, the Departments of  Elementary Education and Secondary Education  offer ongoing, job-embedded support
        at school sites through Professional Learning Communities. This targeted support allows teams to collaborate to analyze
        school-specific data, develop plans to support students’ academic growth, and reinforce pedagogical strategies specific to
        each grade level’s content area.

        Administrative Assistants’ Academy

        The District’s Administrative Assistants’ Academy is designed to empower and increase the knowledge of administrative
        assistants throughout the District. The administrative assistant’s role is intricate and dynamic, therefore, the FY23
        Administrative Assistants’ Academy provided access to relevant content to foster professional growth at the school and
        District levels.

        The  District’s  differentiated  approach  of  providing  self-paced,  virtual,  and  face-to-face  learning  opportunities  ensured
        participants had choices of various classes. All classes were designed to assist administrative assistants with learning
        something new, sharpening skills, and increasing their knowledge. The District continues to expand course offerings each
        year using data and feedback.

        To date, 35 classes have been offered with 474 participants enrolled, and 346 participants completed all requirements.

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