Page 12 - TIM_06-09-23
P. 12


                                             AN UPDATE

                                            As detailed in a previous issue of TIME, the District is in the process of
                                            implementing District-wide universal student ID badges for the School
                                            Year 23-24. All schools have received two Zebra badge printers plus the
                                            accompanying supplies and accessories needed to provide every student with
                                            a badge.

                                            Badges are printed through SIS, ensuring the latest student information is
                                            available, as well as reducing the need to provide data integrations to third-
                                            party badge systems. The primary use cases are for school cafeterias, bus
                                            ridership, media center materials, and campus safety and security. Other
                                            individual school uses for barcodes, such as attendance, tardy, parent pick-
                                            up, etc. are supported, but out of the scope for this project.

                                            The HUB site containing FAQs, training materials, how-to guides, and
                                            troubleshooting support is up-to-date and available for schools to use. Efforts
                                            to support schools experiencing issues or problems over the summer have
                                            been ongoing and continue past the start of school.

                                            The IT PMO team, in cooperation with all the various stakeholders, is pleased
                                            to move this long-standing desired functionality from the District wish list to
                                            reality. Many thanks to the Chief Operating Office, Transportation, School
                                            Food Service, Library Media, Purchasing, Treasury, Budget and many other
                                            staff and departments required to bring this to fruition!

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