Page 11 - Technology plan fy2023-27
P. 11
Message from Deputy Superintendent &
Chief of Schools Edward Tierney
With over 20 years of experience in the School
District of Palm Beach County, I’ve witnessed the
rapid pace of change in the use and influence of
technology across the District. The speed of this
change has increased exponentially in the past
couple of years. The ever-increasing use of
technology for teaching and learning presents both
an opportunity and a challenge for us and districts
across the country. Our recent milestone of
achieving a 1:1 device ratio for every student now
means that learning can take place virtually
The availability, use, and acceptance of technology
among our student population is higher than ever,
providing unique opportunities to deliver engaging
teaching and learning across all ages and abilities.
The technologies we invest in should support this
trend and allow students the flexibility to engage in
meaningful learning opportunities outside of the
The 2023–2027 Strategic Technology Plan builds on
the foundation of previous plans by continuing to expand and improve on the secure and effective
infrastructure, applications, and operations that are necessary to enable our District to continue
delivering on the promise of a world-class education for all students. Our newly adopted mission to
educate, affirm, and inspire all students in an equity embedded school system seeks to support all of
our students in achieving their academic and life goals. The Strategic Technology plan helps make
those goals attainable by providing the infrastructure, devices, support, and applications to support
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