Page 45 - Technology Plan for School Years 2017 to 2021
P. 45

  Provide small actionable steps for school leaders to begin to move their learning
                       environments toward the ideal.
                     As budget permits, support proposals from schools for select classrooms to
                       implement learning space revisions.

                        Reimagining the Library Media Center as the Learning Commons

                                   Infographic Source:

               Library Media Centers should be the model Future Ready Classroom. Over the past decade,
               school librarians have redesigned their physical spaces, library collections, and pedagogy to
               support learning in the digital age. The District has removed entire print reference sections
               to make way for charging stations, Makerspaces, and other collaborative work spaces.
               School librarians are embracing mobile learning and digital publishing. School librarians
               have taken a lead role in teaching digital citizenship and reducing incidents of cyberbullying.
               But these have been grassroots efforts and limited in scope. In order to meet the needs of
               digital learners and create future ready students, every media center in the District needs to
               be remodeled into a flexible, collaborative, technology-rich learning space.

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