Page 44 - Technology Plan for School Years 2017 to 2021
P. 44

seems  right  to  have  a  deeper
                                                                            conversation about this topic as
                                                                            wireless devices for each student
                                                                            are  becoming  a  reality  and  will
                                                                            pave    the    way    for   more
                                                                            personalized     learning    with
                                                                            multiple  projects  and  learning
                                                                            paths happening simultaneously
                                                                            in   the    same    instructional

               Image Source:

               While the District has successfully incorporated a number of these innovative concepts in
               new construction, the reality is that funds have not been available to take on larger scale
               projects to bring these concepts to all
               classrooms. However, even with
               limited funds the District will begin
               conversations with school leaders
               about these concepts. School leaders
               need to have a clear picture of the
               ideal so they can map out a
               reasonable path to get there.
               Administrators and teachers who
               express interest will, with District
               guidance and support, be encouraged
               and empowered to do smaller, lower
               cost modifications to improve their
               areas to incrementally move toward
               the ideal environment.
                                                          Image Source:

               Actionable beginning steps for the District include:

                     Bring together District, school, and external experts to identify the trends and design
                       concepts that support meaningful and innovative instruction.
                     Enlighten school leaders of the need and facilitate an understanding of what the
                       ideal learning space looks like.
                     Create a model classroom as well as media center learning space in each region.

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