Page 42 - Technology Plan for School Years 2017 to 2021
P. 42

foundation for personalized learning as the District moves toward a learning environment
               that includes a device for each student.

               Digital Devices for All, 1:1 and Beyond
               When speaking of 1:1 for student devices needs, the conversation must include the type of
               devices needed for the teacher. The natural human tendency is to think linearly, so in this
               particular case, with the teacher needing to be mobile, one may think a traditional laptop is
               best.  What could be better than the teacher having their full functioning classroom
               computer at all times? However, if we think about how modern professionals create content
               work, they typically have a full keyboard, with larger display or dual displays for working at a
               desk and also a mobile laptop or tablet devices for meetings. Similarly for teachers, the ideal
               scenario is a creator of content, classroom administrator and an instructor who is better
               when mobile, they too benefit by having a dedicated desktop computer at the teacher
               station and a smaller ultra-portable device for instruction and professional growth.
               Additionally, new tools like Google Cast for Education means having a teacher desktop
               computer physically connected to the projector that allows a central collaboration hub to
               receive and transmit student work wirelessly to the projector without any extra hardware.
               With the advent of inexpensive Chromebooks and tablets, this ideal dual device scenario for
               teachers may soon be within reach.

               While most students do not need more than one device, with student devices the answer
               may not be one size fits all either. Students at different grade levels and in specialized
               programs will have different needs. It seems logical that students at the very youngest ages
               benefit from touch and may not need a keyboard for input. However, students will very
               quickly have the need to be creators of content, not just consumers. Agency in learning is
               enhanced when students are creating content and have personalized lessons that digital
               delivery allows. On the other end of the age spectrum, for students in programs with highly
               specialized technical industry certifications, there will be a need to either maintain
               specialized computer labs or provide those students with higher end devices.

               Collaboration with stakeholders is needed to consider the following questions:

                     What are the recommended device requirements by grade or program?
                     Is touch capability needed at all levels?
                     Should a rollout be prioritized by grade levels, schools, or by classroom teacher
                     How much choice should individual schools have in selecting devices?
                     How much weight should be given to enterprise support, management, and
                       integrations of the devices offered vs. school preference of certain brands of
                     What are the assessment related requirements for approved devices?

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