Page 43 - Technology Plan for School Years 2017 to 2021
P. 43

  Will student devices go home year one and
                       at all levels?
                     What role will Bring Your Own Technology               LEARNING SPACE REDESIGN
                       (BYOT) have in the District for students
                       and teachers?
                                                                               Video of Classrooms of the Future
               Keys to successfully implementing include:                         Chismo Elementary School,
                                                                                   Smith Falls, Ontario, CA
                     Acknowledgement that 1:1 will allow and           Jennifer Strickland from Chimeo Elementary
                       usher in shifts in instructional practice.       embarked on a journey three years ago with a
                     Project Management to ensure plan is              motivation to have students “buy into what we
                       manageable and executed efficiently.             were selling here at school”. She started out with
                     Wireless infrastructure capacity must be in       simple things like making painted whiteboard
                                                                        tables, work surfaces and walls so students could
                       place.                                           show their work with no more hiding behind books.
                     Ongoing teachers and administrator                After her initial focus on furniture and wall colors,
                       training on technology standards and             she explored collaborative workspaces that are
                       strategies.                                      flexible in their arrangement. She also made
                     Build school level support and capacity           things relevant to today’s student by focusing on
                                                                        project based learning. She states, “Our world has
                       through Teaching with Technology                 changed---it is no longer like it was fifty or twenty
                       Trailblazer Program.                             years ago. No longer is there the teacher centered
                     Schools have individual needs and as such         lesson at the front of the classroom. In fact many
                       need their own Technology Plans that align       of my students would have difficulty pointing out
                       with rather than relies solely on the District   where the front is.”
                       for their vision.                                In terms of technology, her classroom has four
                                                                        display monitors in the classroom where the
                                                                        teacher has the ability to mirror what is on the
               Learning Spaces                                          larger main display to the other three. Students
               Educators  around  the  world  who  are  actively        also have the ability to break into smaller groups
               working  within  their  professional  learning           and collaborate with one another and then share
               networks,  are  looking  at  ways  to  help  reach       privately on their monitor in front of them. “We
                                                                        have the ability to pass around tablets, iPads and
               students  who  have  traditionally  not  been            devices and with one touch of a button have what
               intrinsically  motivated  to  attend  or  actively       the student is displaying in front of them appear
               participate  in  school.  One  area  where  there  is    elsewhere in the room.” She sums up her results
               consensus  involves  updating  learning  spaces  in      in a moving statement, “I will always remember
               the school so that they are relevant, inviting areas     last year as the year that my students gained a
                                                                        confidence in their voice and they were able to get
               that allow students to interact with each other.         up in front of 30, 60, 90 other students...The
                                                                        confidence in their ability to share what they know
               From paint colors, to modular, more comfortable          is something I cannot measure. I cannot speak
               chairs, to walls that can be written on, there is a      highly enough of the variety of things I saw.”
               push among many innovative educators to make
               their  classrooms  and  media  centers  more
               engaging,  flexible,  and  collaborative.  The  timing
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