Page 5 - TIME Newsletter - 2019
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and more powerful than it’s ever been. The sophistication  response to the needs of the schools and community
     of these tools, often powered by neural networks using    and the situation becomes even more complex for
     deep learning allows for much quicker results, the ability   school districts.
     to spot weaknesses early on and mid-course corrections    The increasing frequency and sophistication of phishing
     leading to better outcomes. While the richer the data, the   emails, Distributed Denial-of Service (DDOS) attacks,
     richer the result, privacy and security concerns also have   port scanning and other attempted breaches require
     to be vetted and mitigated.                               constant vigilance and aggressive response. The trend
     Full STEAM Ahead                                          towards Cloud-based technologies for application
     STEAM (Science, Technology,                               hosting and SaaS provides an additional complication.
     Engineering, Arts+Design and                                                  Beyond using best-of-breed tools
     Mathematics) initiatives are taking                                           and products to identify, respond
     education by storm. These initiatives                                         and stop malicious attempts before
     have proven very successful in                                                they become a breach, on-going
     helping shrink the gap among US                                               user education is paramount to
     students for these critical skills.                                           limiting these potentially devastating
     While lauding their effectiveness,                                            attacks. In a district of our size
     it’s also important to note that they                                         and diversity, the technology IQ
     don’t come for free – the need for                                            varies greatly across our user
     more computers and computer labs,                                             base requiring a least-common-
     server and disk space, networking                                             denominator approach to training
     and internet bandwidth means                                                  and education on suspicious or
     greater outlays for equipment,                                                malicious activities.
     support and staff. Moving to                                                   In Closing
     virtualize as many servers as                                                 All CIOs face some of the same
     possible, an in-progress hybrid SAN                                           challenges—cost-cutting pressures,
     upgrade and aggressive expansion                                              timing of large-scale deployments,
     of high-speed access to all schools                                           rising infrastructure demands,
     and facilities allows us to be nimbler                                        security and privacy considerations,
     and responsive to the ever-changing                                           etc. The educational space provides
     technology landscape.                                                         its own unique set of challenges
     Organizations like Hour of Code                                               & opportunities for technology
     seek to demystify the process of           PUBLISHED IN                       professionals, with the additional
     designing and writing code. With                                              mandate of being good stewards
     activities starting as early as 2nd        “CIO REVIEW”                       of the taxpayer’s money. Every
     grade going through high school and            MAGAZINE                       company or institution has a mission
     beyond, students will be exposed to                                           – for K-12 school districts it’s to
     the concepts surrounding application           February 9, 2019               provide the best possible tools and
     design and development. As eager                                              environment to prepare the youth of
     participants in the Hour of Code and                                          today for success in the area of their
     other STEAM-based initiatives, we’re                                          choosing. It’s a mission we take very
     embarking on a long-term strategy to engage students      seriously and strive to achieve—the strategic planning
     early in these critical skills and keep them engaged      and use of technology plays a large role in our ability to
     through graduation.                                       fulfill that mission.
     Looks Phishy to Me!                                       School districts across the country, like other taxpayer-
     As the rate of technology use and ubiquity increases,     funded entities have certainly felt the impact of the
     so do the challenges of keeping our systems and data      current anti-tax sentiment. Here at the School District
     secure and private. The importance of understanding       of Palm Beach County, we have been fortunate to have
     outside threats and being able to respond quickly cannot   passed two major referendums in the past two years to
     be overstated. The increasingly interconnected  nature    address long-standing maintenance and technology
     of devices and move towards everything being internet-    issues. These were successful in large part to our ability
     capable, or the Internet of Things (IoT) greatly broadens   to convey how students would benefit directly as well
     the landscape of potential threats. When everything is    as transparency in how the funds would be used. The
     a computer, everything is also a potential threat that    community’s trust in and support for our mission and
     needs to be managed and mitigated. Add to this is an      purpose is satisfying and reinforces our belief that we’re
     expanding Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) strategy in        on the right track.
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