Page 22 - FY21 Wellness Promotion Policy Annual Report
P. 22

School Health Advisory Council



        A School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) for each school district was established in the Florida School Health
        Services Act of 1973.  The legislative intent was to involve parents and communities in the health and education
        of children by providing a means for their input in planning and evaluation of local school health programs.
        A SHAC is composed of interested parents, school, health, business, and community leaders who serve as
        problem-solvers and advisors to school districts on health-related issues.

        The SHAC in Palm Beach County uses a model for reviewing school health programs recommended by the
        Centers for Disease Control (CDC).  Known as Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model, this
        approach focuses on ten (10) WSCC component areas including: (1) Physical Education & Physical Activity, (2)
        Nutrition Environment & Services, (3) Counseling, Psychological & Social Services, (4) Social and Emotional
        Climate, (5) Health Education, (6) Health Services, (7) Employee Wellness, (8) Physical Environment, (9) Family
        Engagement, (10) Community Involvement.  These 10 WSCC components, when looked at in a coordinated
        manner, have been found to be highly effective in addressing the health risk behaviors that contribute
        significantly to the leading causes of death, disability, and social problems among youth.

        The SHAC serves as an active voice for improving the health of school children through advocacy and support
        for quality, coordinated health services and education programs and policies.  Over the decades, the SHAC
        in Palm Beach County has played an important role in many issues crucial to student health and welfare.  In
        the 1990s, SHAC focused emphasis on health education and school nurse services. It was a strong proponent
        of a nurse in every public school that was achieved in 1997 when the Health Care District Palm Beach County
        made the commitment to provide funding and joined the local school district and health department as a
        partner in the school health program.

        For many years, the SHAC’s goals have been oriented to support efforts focused on nutrition, physical
        education and health education and included school board workshops on those topics.  The focus shifted
        to addressing the needs of students with behavioral and mental health concerns when the SHAC board
        workshop, “What Matters Most….Health (in this case, mental health)” was presented on October 10, 2012.  An
        important outcome of this workshop was the revision of school district policy procedures and comprehensive
        district-wide training regarding students and use of the Baker Act.  In July 2016, a SHAC presentation to the
        School Board provided data reinforcing their recommendations for improving mental health supports for
        students, especially LGBT youth, and for greater availability of food with increased cultural acceptability.

        Parents and civic-minded persons with a passion for children’s health and supporting academic success
        are urged to consider participation on the SHAC.  The Council meets monthly during the school year with
        educational presentations and discussions on a wide range of important school health topics.

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