The Department of Safe Schools promotes academic achievement and social emotional development by supporting schools as they create their own Single School Culture©.
Safe Schools encompasses the following: Single School Culture© for Academics, Behavior, Climate and Data; Guidance Services; Grants Management and Clearing House; and College Readiness.
Single School Culture© for Climate includes programming/activities initiatives intended to create safe, supportive, and nurturing environments for staff and students which include bullying and cyber bullying prevention. Safe Schools Case Managers assist schools in handling more difficult student situations.
Direct training includes staff development on Professional Development Days (PDD) and faculty meetings, instruction for students (peer mediation and Safe School Ambassadors, Helping Hands Mentoring, Problem-Solving Room) parent meetings, and community awareness events.
During the 2011-2012 school year, the Department of Safe Schools offered guidance, assistance, and consultation for over 280 issues over the past five semesters.
- default_titlePromotion of public and district awareness of Policy 5.002 Prohibition of Bullying and Harassment while continuing efforts for schools to make commitments to civility and develop positive school culture and climate related to the nature, impact, and prevention of all forms of mistreatment and bullying.
- default_titleDeveloped evidence-based prevention and intervention website with resources that address social-emotional development and foster mutual respect, sensitivity and support of other, tolerance to diversity, addressing bias, and disapproval of all forms of mistreatment and bullying.
- default_titleEstablished the use of the Student Mistreatment Report to report incidents of harm to school authorities, by developing safeguards against and threat of retaliation or liability for those who report.
- default_titleAuthored the Administrators Guide to maintain compliance and address ethical and legal concerns related to federal mandates and state laws. Safe Schools and Risk & Benefits Management have collaborated on a process to manage all policies related to harm and mistreatment to include a centralized resource for reporting, investigating and managing incidents. Regardless of the way it shows up, the process will allow school personnel to address physical bullying, verbal bullying, social bullying, cyber bullying, dating violence, discrimination, harassment and sexual harassment, and gender identity harassment.
- default_titleRequired referrals for victims and aggressors who experience physical and psychological symptoms linked to mistreatment and bullying to the School Based Team for social and emotional diagnosis.
- default_titleEstablished resources through collaborative agreements with the School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) to provide direct support to schools for outside agencies to provide counseling to aggressors, victims and bystanders and their families.
- default_titleDeveloped materials and resources to support the components required within the Marzano Teacher Evaluation Framework: Design Question 8
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