The School District of Palm Beach County‟s wellness initiatives have sought to establish a workplace that encourages and supports a healthy lifestyle. Integrating health promotion activities and resources help to enhance health and well-being for the employee, their family and the community.
- default_titleEngaging employees through disease management programs
- default_titleValue based plan designs with incentives for diabetics and pre-diabetes with over 59% compliance the first year
- default_titleWellness Rewards for encouraging health actions that resulted in 80% participation in the first year
- default_titleWeight loss initiatives
- default_title180 Wellness Champions to drive participation
- default_titleTobacco Awareness and cessation programs
- default_titleHealth Education and coaching
- default_titleStress Management seminars
- default_titleOnsite biometric health kiosks for increased self-awareness
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We promote ongoing programs and health topics to “Celebrate Health All Year Long” for all 21,361 employees. The Wellness Program targets include disease conditions and lifestyle behavior risk factors prevalent in our population which can be successfully impacted through effective interventions. As a result of modeling better health choices and behaviors, we hope to see a decline in preventable diseases and earlier detection so one can better manage their health status.
Back Health/Immunizations
Blood Pressure & Cholesterol
Cancer Control/Colds & Flu
Tobacco Cessation/Diabetes
Healthy Holidays
Wellness Resolutions
Heart Health/Dental Health
Nutrition & Weight Management
Stress Management/Vision Care
Health & Fitness
Preventive Care
Summer Safety
South Transportation also participated in The University of Florida Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) which teaches nutrition, food preparation and food management to families. The interactive eight weeks of classes taught employees how to make healthy food choices for the whole family; prepare delicious, safe food; and stretch the food dollar. Each week they prepared and tasted new recipes. We look forward to bringing both of these programs to all Transportation locations in the coming school year.
We asked for recipes straight from employee‟s kitchens that were delicious and good for you. The Healthy Recipe contest was open to all School District employees, and was designed to encourage healthier food choices. Participants submitted revamped or original “from scratch” recipes from a variety of categories and meal times. Our first Employee Wellness HealthyLiving Cookbook was published with 36 recipes included. Winning artwork for the cookbook cover featured nine students from Elbridge Gale Elementary School. The cookbook was supplied to Wellness Champions to use as a fundraiser for their wellness program or a program giveaway.
At the end of the school year we gave employees an opportunity to share their thoughts with regards to our Wellness Program and Wellness Rewards. With a chance to win a new iPad, a 'Needs and Interest Survey' was completed by 1,661 employees. The results of the study will impact the School District‟s continued efforts to control healthcare costs in regards to wellness and preventive care. Below highlights some of the survey results and positive comments:
- default_title96% are covered under the School District HealthPlan
- default_title59% participate in a Wellness Program
- default_title74% think the Wellness Program is beneficial
- default_title51% think the wellness information and activities are easily accessible
- default_title57% take advantage of the Wellness Rewards discount, with 75% finding it easy to understand
- default_title47% of the participants would most likely participate in Fitness Programs, and would prefer programs after work
- default_title63% prefer to receive Wellness information by email
- default_titleFrom a personal health perspective only 33% think they exercise enough each week, 55% make sound nutritional decisions, 41% get enough sleep each night, and 47% maintain a healthy amount of stress in their life
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By implementing the Employee Wellness Program, the School District is taking steps to ensure that resources are maximized to provide a strong, healthy and productive workforce. By encouraging staff members to pursue a healthy lifestyle, this, in turn contributes to improved health status, improved morale, and a greater personal commitment to a healthier school environment. To view some of the numerous efforts that give employees the opportunities and information they need to proactively address their health and wellness please visit the following website: