Page 22 - COVID Guiding Document
P. 22

Back to School Risk Reduction Strategies

       Modified Wellness Checks

         Clinic Protocols: The School District, in collaboration with the Health Care District, is committed to assigning full-time nurses for each school to

         help create a safe and healthy environment. There will be two separate rooms for students with basic first aid situations, and students exhibiting

         symptoms of COVID-19. Students exhibiting possible COVID-19 symptoms will be isolated from others.

            • Positive COVID-19 Case Confirmation: Upon notification of a positive result, a parent or employee will notify their principal or supervisor,

              respectively no later than the following school day. The principal or supervisor will notify the regional superintendent or assistant superintendent/

              chief, who will notify the Health Services Specialist. Upon receipt, the Health Services

              Specialist will communicate details with the Director of Environmental and Conservation

              Services and the Director of Communications. Student’s names shall be kept private. If an

              individual tests positive for COVID-19, the individual should follow the recommendations of

              their healthcare provider for isolation protocol.

                  ◦    A student who tests positive must remain home in distance learning until he/she

                       tests negative for COVID-19 or remains isolated for 10 days and is symptom free,

                       including no fever (above 100.4 °F) in the previous 24 hours.

                  ◦    A copy of the test result shall be provide to the school nurse for verification.

                  ◦    Any student who tests positive must provide a contact tracing list to their school’s


                  ◦    If a student exhibits symptoms during the school day, he/she will be sent to the clinic or isolation area to be picked up by the parent/


            • Further guidance on the protocols for students that receive a positive COVID-19 test result can be found in Policy 5.326.

        School District of Palm Beach County                                                                                                                                             PAGE 22
        ICSP Updated 2/9/21
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