Page 19 - COVID Guiding Document
P. 19

Back to School Risk Reduction Strategies

       Modified Policies

         According to Policy 3.82 (Employee Protocols due to                                                Employee Responsibilities:

         COVID-19), all employees must:                                                                     • Employees must self-report a positive test result to their immediate

                                                                                                              supervisor within 24 hours.
         • Remain home, taking appropriate leave, and follow up with his or her

            supervisor on a weekly basis, until:                                                            • Employees who test positive must remain home until they test

                • they are symptom-free, including no fever (above 100.4°F) in                                negative for COVID-19 or remain isolated for 10 days and are

                   the previous 24 hours.                                                                     symptom free, including no fever (above 100.4 °F) in the previous 24

         • If an employee exhibits symptoms during the work day, he/she will be                               hours.
            sent home immediately, be encouraged to be tested for COVID-19,
                                                                                                            • Any employee who tests positive must provide a contact tracing list to
            and self-isolate until at least 10 days have passed since symptoms first
                                                                                                              their school’s administration.
            appeared, or have received two (2) negative COVID-19 tests, taken at

            least 24 hours apart.                                                                           • An employee’s name shall not be revealed when notifying coworkers

         • Self-screen prior to reporting to work.                                                            of a positive test result.

         • Follow revised school procedures and abide by all directives related                             • If an employee exhibits symptoms during the work day, he/she will be

            to health and safety, including social distancing guidelines.
                                                                                                              sent home immediately, must self-isolate for at least 10 days, and be
         • Wear an approved facial covering at all times (exemptions will require                             tested for COVID-19.

            accommodations process).

                                                                                                            •  Working from home may be available temporarily for employees
         • Follow set protocols when a student tests positive for COVID-19

            (these can be found in the column on the right and in Policy 5.326).                              exposed to COVID-19 at work, at their Supervisor’s discretion.

         • Follow set protocols when an employee tests positive for COVID-19

            (these can be found in the column on the right and in Policy 3.82).

        School District of Palm Beach County                                                                                                                                             PAGE 19
        ICSP Updated 2/9/21
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