Page 18 - COVID Guiding Document
P. 18

Back to School Risk Reduction Strategies

       Modified Policies

         School staff will implement a variety of strategies to inform students upon their return to school campuses about their duty to comply with the District’s safety

         protocols.  This may include additional markings on hallway floors, posters and other signage, designation of hand sanitizing stations / hand-washing.

         According to Policy 5.326 (Student Protocols due to                                         Responsibilities of Students & Families

         COVID-19), all students must*:                                                              • Student or student’s parent/guardian must self-report a positive test for any

         • Stay home if sick or exhibiting any signs of COVID-19, including                            member of the household no later than the following school day.

            fever (100.4 °F or higher), cough, sore throat, diarrhea, headache,                      • A student who tests positive or is identified by the Department of Health as

            body ache, shortness of breath, fatigue, loss of appetite and                              an exposed contact must remain home and be enrolled in Distance

            sense of smell, or any other flu-like symptoms.                                             Learning. A student may return back to school once he or she remains
                                                                                                       isolated for 10 days and is symptom-free, including no fever (100.4°F and
         • Self-screen prior to reporting to school.
                                                                                                       above), in the previous 24 hours.

         • Follow revised school procedures.                                                         • Any student who tests positive for COVID-19 must immediately provide

         • Abide by all directives related to health and safety, including                             administration with a list of everyone with whom they have been in close

            social distancing guidelines.                                                              contact outside of regular classroom contact, including while riding the

         • Wear an approved facial covering at all times, including on the                             school bus and extracurricular activities (within 6 feet for more than 15

            bus (exemptions will require accommodations process).                                      minutes).

                                                                                                     • If a student exhibits symptoms during the school day, he/she will be sent to
         • Participate in distance learning while testing positive for

            COVID-19.                                                                                  the clinic or will be isolated until the student is picked up by the parent/
         • Follow set protocols when a student tests positive for COVID-19                           • Any other students attending face-to-face instruction in any District-

            (these can be found in the column on the right and in Policy
                                                                                                       operated school that reside in the same home as the student exhibiting
                                                                                                       COVID-19 symptoms will be sent home with the parent/guardian and

                                                                                                       assigned to distance learning.**
         * Any student choosing not to adhere to the District's policy regarding the wearing of facial
         coverings  or  any  other  aspects  of  this  policy  will  have  consequences  as  outlined  in  the
         student  code  of  conduct  and  may  be  assigned  to  Distance  Learning.    No  student  will  be
         discriminated against on the basis of disability.                                           ** Pending Board approval on November 4, 2020

        School District of Palm Beach County                                                                                                                                             PAGE 18
        ICSP Updated 2/9/21
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