Page 17 - COVID Guiding Document
P. 17

Back to School Risk Reduction Strategies

       Modified Buildings

         Increased health & safety measures are underway on campuses. District leadership continues working with the medical community and other experts to

         create a reopening plan with safety and health at the forefront.

         School Maintenance Teams Provide:

         ✓  Health-related signage in common areas for more controlled student movement patterns
            throughout the school day

         ✓  Plexiglass installation in common areas within District facilities & schools

         ✓  Assistance with distribution of PPE and facial coverings to the Division of Operations

         ✓  Air filters with a higher MERV rating will be changed every 90 days wherever air-
            conditioning design allows (all other filters will have an increased frequency of changes)

         ✓  Ongoing training of custodians, bus drivers & attendants in sanitization procedures

         Custodial Teams Provide:

         ✓  Enhanced cleaning, including the use of PPE at all times - detailed guidelines can be

            found in the Cleaning Guidelines for COVID-19 document

         ✓  Increased monitoring of custodial supplies

         ✓  Increased rotations for sanitation & restocking of restrooms

         ✓  Enhanced classroom cleaning in frequently touched areas between classes

         ✓  Monthly building inspections

          Environmental Teams Provide:

         ✓  Enhanced cleaning following incidents of reported cases in District schools

         ✓  Assistance in designating a quarantine room or space 

         ✓  Coordination of enhanced cleaning & sanitation and pre & post incident inspections

         ✓  Sanitizing supplies & protocols to schools and ancillary facilities

         ✓  Oversight of indoor air quality levels & concerns

        School District of Palm Beach County                                                                                                                                             PAGE 17
        ICSP Updated 2/9/21
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