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     The  Student  Bus  Ridership  project  has  successfully   were  resolved  through  firmware  updates.  This  hands-
     concluded,  marking  a  significant  step  forward  in     on approach ensured the system functioned smoothly
     improving  the  safety  and  operational  efficiency  of   before  the  full  deployment  in  August  2024,  which
     student transportation. Beginning in 2022, the initiative   included all schools and bus routes.
     aimed to provide real-time tracking of K-12 student bus
     ridership by integrating the Synovia barcode scanning      The Transportation Department will now fully
     and  Transintranet  bus  routing  systems.  The  solution   own the operational processes for managing Bus
     involved issuing Universal ID badges to students,          Ridership,  including  ongoing  system  monitoring,  data
     enabling the ability to scan on and off buses, ensuring    synchronization, and performance reviews.
     accurate  tracking,  and  preventing  issues  such  as
     students boarding the wrong buses or getting off at the    This system also aims to improve the accuracy of state-
     wrong stops.                                               required  Ridership  surveys,  offering  a  more  detailed
                                                                overview of Ridership metrics. The project has provided
     After several pilot phases over the last two years, the    significant benefits, including enhanced student safety
     project was completed successfully in December             through  real-time  tracking,  improved  operational
     2024,  with  all  major  deliverables  met.  The  integration   processes,  and  ensured  regulatory  compliance.  A
     of both systems has been seamless, ensuring real-time      companion project to help the District recoup Medicaid-
     synchronization of student data for better monitoring of   eligible transportation costs is underway.
     bus  routes.  A  new  Student  Bus  Ridership  Dashboard
     allows  Transportation  staff  to  easily  access  critical   The project has moved into the post-implementation
     reports  and  identify  specific  scenarios,  including    phase.  The  Transportation  Department  will  continue
     students who are ineligible for transportation services.   to oversee the system, ensuring its reliability and
     This advancement not only ensures the safety of            effectiveness. The success of the Student Bus Ridership
     students but also enhances the overall operational         project  reflects  the  dedication  and  hard  work  of  the
     efficiency of the Transportation Department.               Transportation  staff  and  their  collaboration  with  our
                                                                vendor partners at Synovia, positioning the system as
     The project included extensive testing and phases to       an essential tool for improving the transportation of
     address technical challenges, such as the initial latency   K-12 students.
     and  accuracy  problems  with  the  barcode  scanners.
     After  working  closely  with  the  vendor,  these  issues                                                   Page 9
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