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District Accreditation:

                                            The Pursuit of Excellence

                                            The Road to Accreditation is a journey that the District experiences on a
                                            recurring 5 year cycle. In FY23, the District will seek system accreditation
                                            renewal through Cognia (formerly known as AdvancED) on behalf of the
                                            Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Achievement
                                            and School Improvement (SACS CASI). The process ensures the District’s
                                            framework for academic excellence is measurable and meaningful for all
                                            students’ improvement.

                                                           Palm Beach County has held this most prestigious full system
                                                               ”Accredited ‘’ status since 2008. Moreover, prior to this
                                                                  designation, the District maintained designated
                                                                     credentialing through individual school applications.
                                                                      The goal of accreditation is to evaluate, verify, and
                                                                        improve institutional quality.

                                                                          Cognia will assemble an Engagement
                                                                           Review Team (ERT) which will consist of a
                                                                            specially trained team of educators and
                                                                            administrators  from institutions  like The
                                                                            School  District  of Palm  Beach  County.  The
                                                                            ERT will visit approximately 30% of our
                                                                            elementary and secondary schools to speak
                                                                            with and interview administrators, teachers,
                                                                           students,  parents,  staff,  community,  and
                                                                           Business Partners throughout our District and
                                                                          Regional offices.

                                                                       The team will review current practices, data
                                                                     analytics, policies, and services to ensure that
                                                                   Palm  Beach  County  Schools  leverage  strengths  for
                                                                continuous improvement for all students. In January
                                                            2023, the ERT will conduct an on-site or virtual visit of the
                                                       District. A final report will be completed upon the conclusion of the
                                            system review and will include an analysis that synthesizes system patterns of
                                            strengths and improvements if needed.

                                            The District will complete and provide a mid cycle 2 ½ year progress report
                                            to Cognia for review in preparation for the next cycle review in January 2028.

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