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If you are not familiar with police agency vernacular, you likely may not have
heard about CJI or CJIS systems. Criminal Justice Information (CJI) and Criminal
Justice Information Services (CJIS) systems fall under the Florida Department
of Law Enforcement (FDLE). Within their purview and per the regulations
set forth by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), FDLE sets standard
cyber and physical security requirements in order to safeguard CJI and CJIS
systems. Well, what exactly is CJI and CJIS? CJI is any and all FBI-provided
CJIS data necessary for law enforcement and civil agencies to perform their
mission and enforce laws. This includes biometric (i.e. fingerprint), identity
history, person, organization, property and case/incident history data. This
data must be available and provided through one of the federal CJI databases
in order for data to become classified as CJI. A CJIS system is simply a device
that is used to access the aforementioned data.
Certain security protocols are required in order to gain access to these
databases, including audits and specific security awareness training for staff
with direct or indirect access to CJI and CJIS systems. We are pleased to
announce that all necessary District IT staff are fully trained and compliant
with this requirement. This is important to the District because even though
we (IT) do not have a direct need or use for this information, we provide the
infrastructure and some of the tools used by School Police and our Human
Resources Division. Ensuring that we work hand-in-hand to protect this data is
paramount not only for the safety of our students and staff, but it is also what
enables us to hire and maintain staff. Failing to comply with the requirements
set forth by the FBI and FDLE could cause major recruitment and retention
issues for our colleagues in Human Resources, which is why we maintain a
strict adherence to the FBI and FDLE security policies.
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