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What is TAC & TCC?
The Technology Advisory Committee (TAC), and the Technology Clearinghouse Committee
(TCC), are advisory committees to the School Board, Superintendent and Chief Information Officer.
An advisory committee consists of a collection of individuals who bring unique knowledge and skills
which augment the knowledge and skills of the leaders they serve. The advisory committee does
not have formal authority to govern the organization, that is, the advisory committee cannot issue
directives which must be followed. Rather, the advisory committee serves to make recommendations
and/or provide key information and materials.
TAC’s mission is to provide expert knowledge, guidance, and to bring industry best practices to
decisions regarding technology infrastructure and strategy. The committee’s responsibility is to gain
an understanding of the technology across the School District including the schools. Additionally, the
TAC reviews and provides feedback on technology contracts for hardware, software, consultants, and
training (Policy 1.096). Committee members are community leaders and former District administrators
with technology and business experience. More information about TAC, including a list of current
members, can be found on the Technology Advisory Committee web page in the District Hub.
Members of TCC are District administrators and department staff who are subject matter and system
experts who help review new technologies to ensure:
• Compatibility with District systems and networks;
• Systems are not duplicated;
• Necessary expenditures that align with the District’s
mission and goals.
A link to the history of reviewed technologies, as well as
additional information on how to submit items to TCC,
can be found on the Technology Procurement web
page in the District Hub.
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