Page 65 - Superintendent Report 2021-22
P. 65
Educator Support Program
The Educator Support Program (ESP) is organized to support new and developing instructional
personnel in their professional practice by providing continuous job-embedded professional learning
opportunities, resources, and on-site support. ESP is divided into two cohorts, ESP Foundations and
ESP Accelerated. Enrollment into each cohort is dependent on the employee’s FLDOE certification
type. Teachers on a temporary certificate fall into ESP Foundations and teachers on a professional
certificate fall into ESP Accelerated.
The on-site support team is comprised of two ESP school leaders (ESP Contact and Voluntary Lead
Mentor) and utilizes the school’s professional development team members when necessary. ESP
Contacts and Voluntary Lead Mentors from each campus across the District had the opportunity
to participate in training sessions and prepare to support the new educators in the FY22 program.
School leaders attended monthly professional development via Google Classroom and specific
individual coaching and planning sessions customized to meet the needs of their campuses.
Educators in the FY22 program were offered three levels of engagement with ESP. The first level of
engagement was at the school level, where educators participated in monthly huddles that encouraged
connection, collaboration, and professional learning. The second level was the individual mentor
level. Each ESP Foundation participant was paired with a certified Clinical Educator as a mentor. At
the same time, ESP Accelerated participants were paired with a more experienced “buddy” teacher
for support with the daily demands of the profession. The third level of engagement was at the
District level, where professional development specialists addressed participants’ questions and
Additionally, each cohort was provided with coursework to prompt reflection on their experience
with the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices and our District’s Palm Beach Model of Instruction
and Evaluation. The FY22 ESP concluded with 794 employees completing all of the program
8/23/22 2:55 PM
Superintendent Report 2021-22.indd 65
Superintendent Report 2021-22.indd 65 8/23/22 2:55 PM