Page 104 - Superintendent Report 2023-24
P. 104

The increase in storage capacity has brought the District into full compliance with the 30-day retention rules for video
        footage. Retrieving videos from the old system would take up to two weeks and provided approximately a 68% retrieval
        rate of usable footage due to formatting errors and hard drive failures. With the new system, requesters can initiate the
        download of video from a computer via Wi-Fi access points from the facilities or school sites. They receive video footage
        within 24 hours at a 99% retrieval rate. The successful performance of the new system, combined with higher-definition
        video footage and a forward-facing camera, allows for better customer service and conflict resolution in the event of an
        incident or accident on the bus.

        Single School Culture Coordinator Program

        The Department of Professional Development supports the District’s Single School Culture Coordinator program (SSCC).
        The SSCCs are the resident experts and flexible instructional leaders as well as the cornerstone of academic, behavioral, and
        climate support for school-based leadership teams, teachers, and staff. The vision for the SSCC program is that all school-
        based employees are committed to effective practices and performance expectations centered on student achievement.

        FY23 presented a unique set of new requirements from Florida around testing and benchmarks for student achievement.
        The new standards and curriculum required particular focus and attention to aligning instruction while guiding teachers
        in planning for instruction. Support for the SSCCs included monthly professional development (PD) sessions, on-demand
        mini PDs, and individual coaching sessions. To tailor the support that aligned to the SSCC’s unique needs, the department’s
        program planners regularly collaborated with school leadership teams and District-based instructional specialists. New
        SSCCs also attended in-person onboarding sessions, ensuring a seamless transition to their position.

        The FY23 SSCC program focused on an ongoing series of PD around transformational instructional coaching strategies and
        engagement with new English Language Arts and mathematics standards. To ensure equitable access to academic learning,
        SSCCs received regular training from our Multi-tiered System of Support team to meet the needs of our diverse learners.
        The comprehensive PD series aligns with the Palm Beach Model of Instruction and the District’s strategic themes.

        Table 1
        FY23 Distribution of SSCCs
                                           SSCC by Instructional Level

                 Elementary                            59.5%

                    Middle                             21.5%
                     High                              13.9%

              Regional Offices                          5.1%

                    Total                              100%

        104  // Superintendent Annual Report 2022 - 2023
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