Page 44 - Superintendent Report 2023-24
P. 44

T2K goals:
          •  Provide equity and opportunity by increasing the percentage of students enrolled in kindergarten
          •  Build awareness and excitement around kindergarten registration and ensure schools are prepared to welcome
             students on the first day
          •  Provide opportunities/resources (Kindergarten Readiness Kit) to support the successful transition to kindergarten

        The District promoted the T2K Plan community-wide via television and radio (in four languages), social media platforms,
        billboards,  posters/flyers,  and  direct  mail  postcards.  Superintendent  Burke  and  the  School  Board  addressed  families
        through community outreach events. The District created the T2K website and included a QR code to direct parents to
        a new streamlined online registration page. Incoming kindergarten students received a Kindergarten Readiness Kit and
        parents received bi-weekly videos demonstrating how to use the kit.
        Table 1
        Schedule for the District’s T2K Campaign

                     Week 1                              Week 2                              Week 3

         Schools hosted promotional          Elementary schools                  Kindergarten Round Up events
         activities.                         with current Voluntary              were held at each elementary
                                             Prekindergarten (VPK)               school.
                                             programs scheduled pre-k
                                             student visits to kindergarten

         Instructional resources were        Promotional videos were             Registered students received a
         provided to families at feeder      shared with feeder community  Kindergarten Readiness Kit.
         community pre-schools               VPK programs and families
         regarding Kindergarten Round  were invited to in-person or
         Up.                                 virtual visits.

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