Page 42 - Superintendent Report 2023-24
P. 42

Student-Focused Culture

        Objective 1: Increase student voice and choice in educational experiences.

        Student Voice Influencing Decision-Making Through Formal


        The District recognizes the need to provide a formal structure for students’ voices to contribute to decisions affecting their
        everyday school experience and long-term prospects. As a result, the District aims to increase student agency and engagement
        to improve students’ social and academic experiences.

        The Department of Secondary Education partnered with Impact Florida’s You+Lead Project to develop a framework for
        elevating students’ voices. John I. Leonard HS and Palm Beach Lakes Community HS piloted the program and brought together
        students, school leaders, and District leaders to research and propose school improvements. Students utilized various data
        collection processes that provided the opportunity for equity of voice in the recommendations and developed partnerships
        with two other schools in Pasco County to share strategies and findings. Thus far, participating students have the skillset with
        structured approaches to collect and analyze data regarding the perception of their school experiences. Student findings have
        been shared with the school and District leaders to improve their respective school environments. The District continues to
        implement formal structures that allow all students to elevate their voices and positively impact their educational experiences.

        Superintendent’s Student Advisory Committee

        FY23 was the inaugural year for the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Committee. The written policy was approved
        unanimously by the School Board on September 7, 2022 and the inaugural 18 students on the committee participated in
        quarterly hybrid, online, and in-person meetings to engage in meaningful conversations. All participants received training
        on representing their peers and the District through public speaking, understanding education legislation, Robert’s Rules
        of Order, and student advocacy. The committee provided a unique opportunity for high school students to share their
        viewpoints directly with Superintendent Burke and District leaders on various matters affecting students and schools. The
        topics covered included school discipline, mental health, and vaping. Student members shared presentations on college and
        career opportunities with the expectation of student feedback.

        Students connected with peers and built leadership capacity with individuals whom they otherwise might not have
        encountered. This platform for authentic student voice and representation is directly aligned with the District’s 2022-2027
        Strategic Plan. The students had direct input in defining the essential characteristics of future graduates when the student
        advisory committee shared their feedback in developing a survey for high school students and then encouraged their peers
        to submit the survey.

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