Page 20 - Technology plan fy2023-27
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                                                            Strategic                                                                                                                              Technology
                                      National Goal                         Strategic Plan                                     Technology Key Findings
                                                             Theme                                                                                                                              Plan Reference

                                     1. Engaging and                       Ensure all            ●    District Input Survey: 98% of respondents believe that students recognize the rights,     Chapter 1 –
                                     Empowering                            students engage            responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an                  Curriculum,
                                     Learning                              in teaching and            interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and     Teaching, and
                                     Through                               learning that              ethical                                                                                   Learning
                                     Technology                            results in            ●    District Input Survey: 97% of respondents believe that students critically curate a       Technologies
                                     All learners will                     academic                   variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative
                                     have engaging                         excellence                 artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others
                                     and empowering                                              ●    District Input Survey: 94% of respondents believe that students use a variety of
                                     learning                              Accelerate                 technologies within a design process to identify and solve problems by creating
                                     experiences in         Academic       student learning           new, useful or imaginative solutions
                                     both formal and        Excellence     using innovative      ●    District Input Survey: Ensuring that classrooms reflect the 21st century learning
                                     informal settings     and Growth      and differentiated         environment was viewed as important by 98% of respondents
                                     that prepare                          approaches            ●    District Input Survey: 85% of respondents believe the District sufficiently prepares
                                     them to be                                                       students for 21st century jobs
                                     active, creative,                     Improve equitable     ●    District Input Survey: 99% of respondents feel it is imperative that students become
                                     knowledgeable,                        participation in           proficient users of technology
                                     and ethical                           programs and          ●    District Input Survey: Students are seen as using technology in meaningful ways
                                     participants in                       resources                  through school experiences by 84% of the respondents
                                     our globally                                                ●    District Input Survey: 93% of respondents believe the District provides equitable
                                     connected                                                        access to technology for all students
                                     society                                                     ●    District Input Survey: 98% of administrators and 74% of teachers believe students
                                                                                                      have adequate access to technology-based learning resources outside the
                                                                                                 ●    District Input Survey: All administrators and 94% of teachers feel it is important for
                                                                                                      schools to help develop students to become good digital citizens

                                     2. Teaching with                      Accelerate            ●    District Input Survey: Most respondents view schools as significantly using their         Chapter 5 –
                                     Technology                            student learning           technological resources                                                                   Communications
                                     Educators will be       Student       using innovative      ●    District Input Survey: Nearly all respondents consider themselves to be proficient in     and Community
                                     supported by            Focused       and differentiated         their use of technology                                                                   Outreach
                                     technology that         Culture       approaches            ●    District Input Survey: The highest barrier to using technology for teaching and
                                     connects them to                                                 learning was insufficient technical equipment                                             Chapter 7 –
                                     people, data,                                               ●    District Input Survey: Administrators and non-instructional respondents feel that the     Technology
                                     content,                                                         most important technologies for student learning were 1:1 devices, smart boards,          Support
                                     resources,                                                       coding skills, and typing skills. While teachers feel audio systems and document          Processes
                                     expertise, and                                                   cameras, in addition, are among the top 4 technologies

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