Page 25 - Technology plan fy2023-27
P. 25

 Strategic                                                              Technology
 National Goal  Strategic Plan  Technology Key Findings
 Theme                                                                Plan Reference

 4. Measuring for  ●  District Input Survey: 95% of respondents believe that students use digital tools to  Chapter 2 –
 Learning  broaden their perspectives and enrich their learning by collaborating with others and  Performance &
 At all levels, our  working effectively in teams locally and globally  Accountability,
 education system  ●  District Input Survey: 98% of non-instructional respondents believe that the  Research &
 will leverage the  relationship between technology and student success is important  Evaluation,
 power of  All Themes  All objectives  ●  District Input Survey: 89% of administrators feel students personal devices provide  Assessment,
 technology to  a positive benefit to student learning, while 94% of non-instructional respondents  EDW
 measure what  and teachers shared that view
 matters and use
 assessment data
 to improve

 5. Enabling  ●  District Input Survey: 97% of respondents believe that students leverage technology  Chapter 3 –
 Access and  to take an active role in choosing, achieving, and demonstrating competency in their  Information
 Effective Use  learning goals, informed by the learning sciences     Technology
 All students and  ●  District Input Survey: 91% of administrators and teachers felt they had access to the  Infrastructure
 educators will  appropriate technologies to accomplish their professional goals
 have access to a  All Themes  All objectives  ●  District Input Survey: 89% of administrators and 94% of non-instructional
 robust and  respondents feel the District provides adequate technology to perform their job at a
 comprehensive  high level. While 94% of teachers feel the same.
 when and where
 they need it for

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