Page 23 - Technology plan fy2023-27
P. 23

 Strategic                                                              Technology
 National Goal  Strategic Plan  Technology Key Findings
 Theme                                                                Plan Reference

 experiences that  Accelerate  ●  District Input Survey: 97% of administrators and 99% of non-instructional
 can empower  student learning  respondents place importance on how technology plays a role in achieving their
 and inspire them  Student  using innovative  curricular objectives, with 93% of teacher respondents doing the same.
 to provide more  Focused  and differentiated  ●  District Input Survey: 96% of teachers believe technology can help achieve effective
 effective teaching  Culture  approaches  learning outside the classroom
 for all learners.  ●  District Input Survey: 99% of administrators and non-instructional respondents
 place importance on the relationship between technology and curriculum, with 99%
 of teacher respondents doing the same

 3. Creating a  Enhance a sense  ●  District Input Survey: 97% of respondents believe that students develop and employ  Chapter 6 –
 Culture and  of belonging,  strategies for understanding and solving problems in ways that leverage the power  Professional
 Conditions for  safety, and  of technological methods to develop and test solutions  Growth
 Innovation and  acceptance for all  ●  District Input Survey: 96% of respondents believe that students communicate
 Change  students  clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the
 Embed an  Mental  platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals
 understanding of  Health and  Increase  ●  District Input Survey: 92% of administrators, teachers, and non-instructional
 technology  Wellness  comprehensive  respondents feel that they receive appropriate technological support from the
 enabled  support for  District
 education within  student and
 the roles and  employee
 responsibilities of  well-being
 leaders at all
 levels and set
 state, regional,
 and local visions
 for technology in

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