Page 67 - Technology plan fy2023-27
P. 67
Technology Purchases and Acquisitions
IT Security focuses on cybersecurity innovations and protections that directly or indirectly
support the District Strategic Plan and overall student achievement. We work closely with the
Purchasing Department to ensure that only approved technologies are acquired. The TCC is
charged with unifying school and department technology purchasing decisions; therefore,
reducing duplication, incompatibility, and unnecessary expenditures. Overall, the TCC reviews
proposed technology purchases to ensure alignment with the District’s mission and goals.
The Future of IT Security and Governance
Technology governance is supported throughout the IT Division. During the life of this plan, the
following will be accomplished:
● Support and adjust the TCC review process to ensure solid, reliable, and cost-effective
technology acquisitions for academic and business needs in support of the District
Strategic Plan and overall student achievement.
● Develop the District’s technology direction through strategic discussions, planning, and
training while the TAC advances and integrates the technical communication flow with
the School Board.
● Update technology policies to ensure the District’s guiding tenets, modern technology,
and the Board’s technology vision, all align. These policies will continue the movement
toward institutionalization of best practices, reduction of technology risks, maximization
of technology in support of student achievement, and technology alignment with the
District Strategic Plan.
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