Page 66 - Technology plan fy2023-27
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Chapter 8 - IT Security and Governance
Executive Overview
Technology is an indispensable element in the District Strategic Plan as well as in overall
academic and operational activities. The related People, Processes, and Technology combine
to form an essential tool in the execution of services provided to students, parents, teachers,
employees, and the community. IT Security is an integral part of that technology.
IT Security has four primary governance responsibilities:
1. Monitoring and championing the alignment of technology with the District’s vision,
mission, Strategic Plan, and Strategic Initiatives
2. Advocating maximum student achievement using technology safely
3. Monitoring compliance to all technology-related Board policies and industry best
4. Guarding the responsible use of technology and minimizing technology-related risks.
The mission of IT Security is to create and maintain security processes that ensure effective and
secure use of technology while achieving the District's mission and goals. IT Security and
Governance ensure a framework through which decisions are made, standards and policies are
defined, and processes are implemented in the best interest of the District. We build upon our
past successes and work with the business and academic units to tackle new challenges in
protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data and systems.
Technology Process Structure
Within our District, technology-guiding direction operates within the checks and balances of two
● The Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) serves as an advisory committee to the
School Board and is comprised of District leadership and Board-appointed community
members with technology expertise. TAC is governed by Board Policies 1.09 and 1.096.
Its mission is to provide expert knowledge and guidance, and to bring industry best
practices to decisions regarding technology infrastructure and strategy.
● The Technology Clearinghouse Committee (TCC) is comprised of District leaders,
principals, and representatives from the academic, business, and IT divisions and
departments. The committee meets regularly to review all proposed non-standard
technologies prior to purchase and then recommends action to the CIO. The review
examines the product from two distinct perspectives; functional and technical. The
academic and business representatives ensure the proposed technology serves the
function intended, without duplication. The IT representatives determine the technical
aspects for integration, compatibility, scalability, bandwidth, Total Cost of Ownership
(TCO), training, and technical support.
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