Page 64 - Technology plan fy2023-27
P. 64

District.   On-going professional development is critical for successful support processes.
               Support systems must be agile to adapt to new technologies and the ever-increasing demands
               for support. To meet this requirement, the skills of all school-based technicians are assessed
               prior to employment.

               1: 1 Student Device Initiative
               As part of the SDPBC 2020-2021 school year reopening plan, the Board approved $25 million in
               capital funding to equitably distribute a device to each student, to ensure access to a device for
               distance learning(1 student to 1 device). As a result, IT continues to maintain the District’s 1:1
               student device environment by distributing Chromebooks and Windows Laptops to District
               schools for student use to ensure modern devices are available to maintain each school

               As part of the 1:1 student device instructional environment, IT will also continue to refresh and
               replace aging, end-of-life student devices, incorporating strategies for device protection and
               student safety and managing the repair process for damaged devices.            A key goal of
               maintaining the 1:1 environment is to support strategies and campaigns that support student
               digital citizenship and responsible use and handling of District provided devices.

               District Device Management and Maintenance

               With the increasing use of student-owned devices in the classroom, there is an ongoing need to
               repair devices in a timely manner. At the Principal’s discretion, student devices may be taken
               home by students for educational purposes and IT will continue to improve processes to support
               the high number of damaged devices.         Device damage covered under the manufacturer
               warranty is shipped for repair; not covered damage is repaired in-house or repaired by
               third-party repair vendors.

               IT will leverage internal teams and vendors to ensure the timely turnaround of damaged devices
               to maintain schools’ 1:1 status.    Device damage-reduction strategies will be employed to
               educate students and schools on the proper handling of devices. Another key goal will be
               advocating and training schools to leverage District-appointed device inventory tools for better
               device visibility, adherence to Board Electronic Take Home Policy 8.24,  and audit compliance.

               District Teacher and Administrator Devices

               IT ensures that all District educators have a portable, high-quality device to support a mobile,
               flexible teaching environment. The laptop system replaced the classroom desktop allowing
               teachers to have the ability to move the laptop around the classroom and match the mobility of
               students. It also provides  the option to take the laptop home should the need arise.

               The District has implemented a 5-year hardware refresh program and District Administrators are
               provided desktops or mobile devices based on this cycle. IT will continue to support the repair
               process of the devices, and ensure the refresh of the laptops is completed at the end of the
               device life cycle.

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