Page 100 - FY21 Wellness Promotion Policy Annual Report
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                                                                                                           Physical Education
                                                                                                           & Physical Activity  Environment &
            Employee Wellness                                                                          EMPLOYEES  Engagement  COORDINATING POLICY, PROCESS, AND PRACTICE    Counseling, Social  Services Social &  Emotional &  FAMILIES
                                                                                                            HEALTHY                          SAFE
                                                                                                                   CHALLENGED              SUPPORTED                 ENGAGED
                                                                                                         Employee IMPROVING LEARNING AND HEALTH   Health  Climate
                                                                                                         Wellness  Education


        The School District of Palm Beach County is committed to educate, engage and empower employees to
        adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle to achieve their highest potential and optimal wellness by providing
        information, activities and services designed to support positive attitudes and lifestyle choices.


        The School District of Palm Beach County envisions an environment that educates employees on lifelong
        healthy living practices and health risk reduction through the integration of health promotion programs and
        resources.  Employee Wellness is committed to sustaining a positive culture that will result in improved
        employee productivity and morale by focusing on enhancing the health, well-being and quality of life for
        employees, their family and the community.

        Some of the accomplishments in FY21 included the following:

             •  Highest engagement in wellness programs due to being able to provide virtual options for all District
              staff to attend.  Sixty-one (61) virtual workshops (the highest ever scheduled in one year) were provided
              for staff, and many of them recorded for later viewing.
             •  Provided funding for more relaxation rooms utilizing partner funding. We now have over 100 known
              relaxation rooms throughout the District.

             •  Increased the number of sit-to-stand desks at District workstations.  We now have over 121 known
              standing desks throughout the District.   Most of the desks were funded by a grant to reduce heart disease
              and hypertension in employees.  Others were purchased by the employees or by the departments.

             •  Health Rewards program for encouraging health actions driven by 215 wellness champions through
              excitement in activities have achieved:
                     86% of all District households have interactions with their medical provider and health plan (vs.
                    a norm of 66%)
                     84.3% of District members are actively involved in their well-being visits and exams (vs. a norm of
                    68.2%).  This drives the following increased preventive screenings:
                         ‚  Mammography = +29.8%
                         ‚  Cervical Cancer = +23.5%
                         ‚  Colon Cancer = +23.7%

                   Tobacco and Vape Free Environment
                   Stress and Financial Management seminars and workshops
                   Further building upon the fantastic Culture of Wellness

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