Page 102 - FY21 Wellness Promotion Policy Annual Report
P. 102

                                                                                                           Physical Education
                                                                                                           & Physical Activity  Environment &
            Employee Wellness                                                                          EMPLOYEES  Engagement  COORDINATING POLICY, PROCESS, AND PRACTICE    Counseling, Social  Services Social &  Emotional &  FAMILIES
                                                                                                            HEALTHY                          SAFE
                                                                                                                   CHALLENGED              SUPPORTED                 ENGAGED
                                                                                                         Employee IMPROVING LEARNING AND HEALTH   Health  Climate
                                                                                                         Wellness  Education

        Health Advocate,  a subsidiary  of Teleperformance  (TP),  is  the  nation’s  leading  independent
        healthcare advocacy and assistance company.  With over 12,500 client relationships covering over 60 million
        lives, Health Advocate helps millions of Americans personally navigate the often-complex healthcare system.

        The  School  District  of  Palm  Beach  County  offers  a  seamless  integration  of  Advocacy  and  Employee
        Assistance Program (EAP) + Work/Life services to employees, spouses/domestic partners, dependent children,
        parents, and parents-in-law at no additional cost to them.  The District offers the Advocacy programs through
        Health Advocate which is headquartered in suburban Philadelphia, and the EAP + Work/Life through a division
        Health Advocate, located in Jacksonville, Florida.

        Executive Summary for the Programs

        One of the goals that we embarked on in FY21 school year was to look for new ways to infuse communications
        throughout the school year to continue to promote the programs as well as ensure members received
        pertinent and helpful information and could turn to Health Advocate as a resource in dealing with the
        COVID-19 pandemic.  Health Advocate had 17,656 Interactions with members to help them resolve their EAP
        and Advocacy concerns in the 2020-2021 school year.

        Employee Assistance/Work Life Needs, Claims Assistance and Locating Specialists for needed appointments
        and second opinions were the strongest drivers to the program in FY2.  Benefits Education was forth and
        connecting members to the appropriate resources, rounded out the top five call drivers for the year.

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