On January 27, 2012 three of Florida’s independent, not-for-profit blood centers, Community Blood Centers of Florida, Inc. (CBCF), Florida’s Blood Centers, Inc. (FBC) and Florida Blood Services, Inc. (FBS) came together in a merger of equals and OneBlood, Inc. was established.
More than a year of collaboration and extensive planning among the three organizations led to the creation of OneBlood - an innovative, forward-thinking blood center that we envision leading the industry in providing safe, available and affordable blood to our hospital partners and their patients.
As a community asset, the OneBlood name is a constant reminder of the collective power we share to save another person’s life. OneBlood provides blood to more than 200 hospital partners and their patients in 72 counties throughout Florida and parts of Georgia and Alabama.
Throughout the 2012-2013 school year, OneBlood held blood drives at The School District of Palm Beach County schools resulting in a collection of nearly 13,000 pints of blood. Due to the generosity of students, faculty and parents over 38,000 lives were touched by these life-saving donations.
This collaboration allowed the students to give back to their community in a personal and profound way. In addition:
- default_titleEach student received a wellness checkup including blood pressure, temperature, iron count and cholesterol screening. Students were able to use their online OneBlood account to track their results over time and view any trends with their numbers.
- default_titleStudents on the blood drive committee learned project management skills.
- default_titleStudents learned the importance of social responsibility and helping others in need.
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Learn more about the impact of the blood drives in The School District of Palm Beach County by viewing the video “Palm Beach County Schools Save Lives” below.
Also, CONGRATULATIONS…the BLOOD DRIVE campaign at the School District’s Fulton-Holland Educational Services Center was very successful. OneBlood collaborated with The School District of Palm Beach County’s Wellness Promotion Task Force (WPTF) to educate members of the school community and the public on the importance of wellness and blood donation. Through this outreach BLOOD DRIVE campaign, the District collected a total of 151 pints in the FY 2012-2013.
We want to say thanks to the heroes from the Wellness Promotion Task Force meetings that took time during those dates to donate blood and help save lives in Palm Beach County. We were able to reach the goal of 150 pints! OneBlood participated in all five of the Wellness Promotion Task Force meetings, set up booths providing information on nutrition and its importance in blood donation.