At the end of the school year, employees were given an opportunity to share their thoughts and opinions with regards to our Wellness Program and Wellness Rewards. With the chance to win a new iPad, a ‘Needs and Interest Survey’ was completed by 4,262 employees- an increase of 245% more submissions than the previous year. Not only did more participants complete the survey this year, the number of participants who identified themselves by including their email addresses increased by 14%.

This is a powerful indication of trust which shows a stronger, more sincere relationship between administration and personnel has developed. Positive comments were mostly written in reference to the internal wellness initiatives, while the more negative commentary was directed towards the Wellness Rewards initiative. The neutral comments were largely constructive, which suggests that people care and believe that the program administrators will listen to their opinions and make the corresponding changes in the program. It is presumed that this data will continue to be used to enhance the wellness program to better assist personnel in improving their health and lead healthier lives. The results of the survey helped to evaluate progress and measure changes in the program as well as perceptions from year to year. These results will impact the District’s continued efforts to control healthcare costs through engaging and fun programs!
Highlighted below are some of the survey results as well as positive comments:
- default_title259 District Locations were represented in the survey’s data
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- default_title96% of participants are covered under the School District health plan
- default_title51.85% of respondents participate in a wellness program
- default_title78% of participants think the Wellness Program is beneficial (+3% from 2012)
- default_title54% of respondents think the wellness information and activities are easily accessible
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- default_title74% of respondents take advantage of the Wellness Rewards discount, 57% finding it easy to understand
- default_titleParticipants would be most likely engage in a healthy eating initiative (28.3%), followed by a physical activity initiative (25.85%) and a weight loss contest (11.12%). All of these programs are preferred to take place after work hours (57%)
- default_title18% of respondents knew their wellness champion, this is alarming!
- default_title35% of participants responded they are absolutely likely to participate in SDPBC wellness next year
- default_titleFrom a personal health perspective only 52.44% of respondents think they exercise enough each week, 83.45% think they make sound nutritional decisions, 63.02% believe they get enough sleep each night, while 69.73% believe they maintain a healthy amount of stress in their life
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“This program gave me more excitement about exercise and eating healthy for a bigger brighter smile.”
“When this started a few years ago I was on cholesterol medication, pre-diabetic, and overweight. Currently I am not on any medication, my weight is a healthy 160 lbs., and blood sugar is in the excellent range. The program motivated me to find areas of exercise that I really enjoy and have stuck with. Retirement is a few years away and all the information from your site helped me shape up so I can really enjoy that period of my life.”
“I think the program helps me to always think about the nutritional value of food before putting it in my mouth. Also it makes sure I don't put off annual doctor's visits for updates on physiological status.”
“I think it is a great idea to get teachers motivated to maintain and create a healthy and active lifestyle. It will naturally help with the stressfulness of a school.”
“I lost about 30 pounds by changing my eating habits without undue stress on my body. I am keeping it off with continued workouts, too.”
“I LOVE the program. Several staff have established personal diets and lost weight during this school year. They were motivated by the wellness program.”
“Keep doing what you are doing.”